Category: Projects

  • Looping url shortening

    A url shortening service (according to Wikipedia) makes a web page available under a very short URL in addition to the original address. A short URL obscures the target address and, supposedly, only “forwards” the request to the final page. For the fun and the test, I’ve compiled a sequence of short urls that target…

  • Google loves Wikipedia

    Google loves Wikipedia

    In 2009, in order to get my hands on data visualization and API manipulation, I decided to investigate the relationship that might exist between Google and Wikipedia. Google wants to index the world’s knowledge and Wikipedia is a freely available source. To what extend does Google privileges in its search results pages coming from the…

  • _2010


    the more you wait() the more ou get() A small animated card for the 2010 greetings. See it here  

  • Perspective… with NoGold-0.2

    New work, not exactly, new (latest) version of a collaboration with Noémie Goldberg. To be seen during BRXLBRAVO, from 02/10 to 04/10/09, at gallery La Ruelle . Perspective with asperities – Noémie Goldberg & Julien Deswaef Un collage multiple (mur, vitre, adhésif, dia, jeu vidéo, …) devient l’espace de projection et d’événements du lieu. La…

  • “Dawn” – Electro Opera

    “Dawn” – Electro Opera

    Scenographic creation for the electro opera show “Dawn” by Alice Barré and Christel Vanderslyen. In collaboration with Milady Renoir, Paula Cook, Jan Willem de Haan, François Demuth, Olivier Gravensteyn, Fides Cavan, Olivier Pirlet, Sven Célerier.

  • 200 Characters Processing Competition

    200 Characters Processing Competition

    OpenProcessing and Rhizome joined forces and setted up a contest inviting artists and programmers to propose their best Processing sketch with this 2 creative constraints: in 200 characters maximum, with no external files. And it’s exactly those 2 constraints that kept me busy. I already had worked on a project where a program displays its…

  • Journées du libre 2009 : Poster

    Like last year, I was contacted to design the poster for the Journées du libre. And like last year, I wanted to do it again using Processing. But this time, I let down the concept of a purely GPL poster to concentrate on the informations displayed on it, as suggested by the organizers. Anyway, I…

  • Triple Play for “Western” (Saule)

    Triple Play for “Western” (Saule)

    Creation of the scenography and the live video projection tool for the “Western” tour of the band Saule et les Pleureurs. The VJing tool was composed of 3 elements: A video capture system, feeding images and analyzing them, to produce generative art based on the “hot spots” visible on stage. A rostrum-camera used to manipulate…

  • mySpace/Saule : makeOver

    mySpace/Saule : makeOver

    Saule is releasing his new album “Western” on January 19th in Belgium and February 23rd in France under Universal Music France, division Polydor. You can listen to his single “Personne” on his freshly designed mySp00f. The layout is based on the work of Frank, designer of the cover. This post on Mike‘s blog turned to…