Author: Julien Deswaef
Perspective… with NoGold-0.2
New work, not exactly, new (latest) version of a collaboration with Noémie Goldberg. To be seen during BRXLBRAVO, from 02/10 to 04/10/09, at gallery La Ruelle . Perspective with asperities – Noémie Goldberg & Julien Deswaef Un collage multiple (mur, vitre, adhésif, dia, jeu vidéo, …) devient l’espace de projection et d’événements du lieu. La…
“Choose your planet”, a sketch by antiplastik on openProcessing, is one of my favorites and I always wanted to have a deeper look at it. So I ended up forking (branching) it so I could use it in a video projection for a music band called Saule et les Pleureurs. I’ve added a walking man,…
“Dawn” – Electro Opera
Scenographic creation for the electro opera show “Dawn” by Alice Barré and Christel Vanderslyen. In collaboration with Milady Renoir, Paula Cook, Jan Willem de Haan, François Demuth, Olivier Gravensteyn, Fides Cavan, Olivier Pirlet, Sven Célerier.
Bit shifting is fun : 1st lesson
Found a nice little trick thanks to this sketch. I was studying the code behind it and this line intrigued me: ellipse(0, 0, halfsize<<1, halfsize<<1); I knew “<<” meant a bitwise operation, but I only saw it in some processing example about faster color manipulation. First time, I see it in a case like this.…
200 Characters Processing Competition
OpenProcessing and Rhizome joined forces and setted up a contest inviting artists and programmers to propose their best Processing sketch with this 2 creative constraints: in 200 characters maximum, with no external files. And it’s exactly those 2 constraints that kept me busy. I already had worked on a project where a program displays its…
1st sketch @OpenProcessing
It’s been quite some time since I’ve been following OpenProcessing. The idea behind the website is simple: allow anyone to post some Processing bits of code and share it with others. It’s well made and a great way to learn new stuff. The ideal complement to the mother site. All codes are open and freely…
Carnivore library under Ubuntu
According to the website, Carnivore is a surveillance tool for data networks. A little tool for a «personal Echelon». And what’s best is that it exists as a library for Processing. Since there isn’t much documentation for the linux users. I’ll document here my firsts test in getting this library to work under Ubuntu. I…
Journées du libre 2009 : Poster
Like last year, I was contacted to design the poster for the Journées du libre. And like last year, I wanted to do it again using Processing. But this time, I let down the concept of a purely GPL poster to concentrate on the informations displayed on it, as suggested by the organizers. Anyway, I…
Burma VJ
Yesterday evening, for the opening of the One World festival at Bozar, I had the chance to watch Burma VJ, a documentary film by Anders Østergaard. Burma (or Myanmar) is a country that we don’t hear much about. And the main reason is because it is ruled by a military junta that has total control…